March marks our 15 year anniversary. Proud does not begin to encompass how we feel about the last 15 years. Going back to March 2000 before the IPhone, before Cloud Computing, M
ichael Carreiro opened Micro Computers, a one man shop located at 215B Salem Street in Medford, MA selling PC’s and Break/Fix technology. Back then we even sold phones, who remembers Nextels? So much innovation has happened in technology in the last 15 years, from text messaging to Virtualization, and we have enjoyed every minute of that ride. Running that reactive Break/Fix business model had it’s time, but as we became more and more dependent on technology a need for Pro-Active IT Support grew. A new business model was born and it was Auxzillium (from the latin meaning support).
Michael Carreiro the CEO and owner of Auxzillium had a vision for an IT Services Company that could be a partner in a company’s growth by providing them 24/7 proactive IT Solutions. Solutions that optimize their investment. A company that could bring strategy and innovation to their IT. A solution that could bring an IT Team to a company for a fraction of the cost of a full time IT department. “to be honest when I opened Microcomputers I wasn’t sure where it would go, but I knew that I loved computers, I loved technology and I knew that I would never be bored. I can honestly say that having served over 1,800 accounts in the last 15 years has been nothing but exciting and fulfilling. I am excited about the next 15 years”.