Tips to help make working from home, work for you.

If you are part of the many, who are now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are struggling with this significant change to your work life. We wanted to give you some tips to help make that transition a little easier.

Set up a designated workspace.
Having a designated workspace can help with your routine. Set a designated workspace within your home. For some, that might be a quiet room; for others, it might be your couch or kitchen table. Ideally, this space should be quiet and functional, but not everyone has a spare room for a dedicated home office. The key is to find an area that is comfortable and works for you.

Keep in touch and communicate!
Take advantage of tools like Microsoft Teams to help you communicate with your team. Questions can be answered in quick chats. And meetings can be done through video conferencing. It’s essential to maintain consistent communication. Not only to work better but also to help with the isolation that working from home brings. A fun thing to do is to set up a weekly social video conference with your team. Discuss the week, share a laugh, but, more importantly, stay connected.

Auxzillium Working from home tips

Stick to a schedule.
Of all our tips, this last one may be the hardest thing to do when working from home, but we encourage you to create a routine and stick to it. Have designated work hours, a time to start and end with breaks. Also, try to get out of the house to the extent that it is safe amid social distancing. If possible, end your day with a walk, get your body moving, and take in some fresh air. This daily event can help you mentally identify the end of the day.

Working from home tip 3 Boston IT Services

Amidst all the confusion of the future, we hope that you can at least find comfort in the many ways that technology can help you stay connected, productive, and, when needed, distracted from the uncertainty of the current times.